Hearing health

NAL contributes to the stakeholder and community consultations and HSP review draft report releases

NAL uncovers unmet needs of people with hearing loss during the pandemic and releases rapid evidence-based solutions.

Co-developed new PLUM and HATS videos are live!

NAL is working with Nuheara on a Clinical Trial to help obtain regulatory clearance for an innovative medical device

Sam joins NAL to further our focus on equitable health and hearing care for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

Continued funding and support from the Australian Government for LOCHI and start of a First Nations LOCHI study

This course reviews current innovation happening in technology, services and delivery of hearing health care Learning Outcomes After this course, participants will be able to

The start of a series of research and innovation initiatives to improve the uptake and benefit to listeners of hearing-aid technologies

Behavioral Insights can be used to understand and support hearing health decision-making, particularly in the appointment setting. An overview of empowering the individual’s first awareness

With the release of the FDA draft regulations for over-the-counter hearing aids, how will this affect people with hearing loss and hearing healthcare professionals?