Finished | Technology

Remote Research Platform Idea Validation

Project objective and methodology

The aim was to assess the desirability and feasibility of a remote research platform for conducting hearing research efficiently and effectively, and to evaluate if it’s worth investing resources towards the platform’s development.

Traditional research studies face challenges in obtaining diverse and representative samples, leading to inefficiencies in participant recruitment and data gathering. This results in extended project timelines and increased costs. The proposed solution is a research platform designed to streamline recruitment and data collection processes, allowing researchers to conduct remote studies with a diverse participant pool.

In this idea validation phase, minimum viable products (MVPs) were developed and tested through a series of assumption tests. These tests aimed to evaluate desirability, feasibility of the platform, as well as refine the value proposition and identify key success factors.

Key findings

The tests showed that the proposed remote research platform attracts participants, engages them effectively, and is intuitive to use. With high desirability and feasibility, the initial prototype demonstrated its ability to add value, track participant engagement, and efficiently collect data. The idea validation process not only served as an evaluation but also successfully generated a valuable participant database and a functional prototype that can enhance projects. Although not a polished solution, it has already proven its capability to make meaningful contributions to projects and continued use in projects is recommended to gain further insights

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