Bimodal fitting revisited: How clinicians can integrate hearing aid optimisation methods into current clinical practice

NAL Soundbites webinars in partnership with Audiology Online

Presented by Dr Paola Incerti, Senior Research Audiologist at NAL

This course aims to provide participants with an overview of the clinical bimodal fitting practices and the NAL procedure for fine-tuning a hearing aid for use with a cochlear implant.

Learning Outcomes

  • After this course, participants will be able to discuss current research evidence regarding the potential bimodal benefits for people with unilateral implants and usable residual hearing in opposite ears and bimodal fitting practices.
  • After this course, participants will be able to describe the NAL bimodal procedure developed for systematically fine-tuning a hearing aid for use with a cochlear implant.
  • After this course, participants will be able to incorporate the information into pre- and post-operative management of individuals using bimodal stimulation.

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